Sunday, 6 March 2016


 1.  FORMING – this is the first stage in which individuals get to know each other . People feel a bit awkward and are often over polite.   The forming stage is the most important stage, as members of the team get to know each other, learn about the various challenges and opportunities and they end up making new friends with a common ambition. In this stage they discuss some important questions like :
·      Who is the “ leader ” of the team?
·      How “large” the team should be?
·      What are the “goals” of their team?
·      What are some “basic requirements” to sign up for the team?
Towards the end of this stage , all the members start building trust and also start taking collaborative efforts for the proper formation of their team.

2.STORMING : this is the second stage which involves defining goals and responsibilities . This is the  phase which produces conflict and frustration. A good  leader can overcome this situation by acting smartly like a coach and not like a cop and should step in to control the situation and offer suggestions. In this stage  the team may fail , as tolerance of each member is tested and people may also can push each other out of the boundaries. It is a violent and  destructive phase which can make you feel less motivated, consequently  affecting your performance. But once you get out of this stage , a sense of cohesiveness is formed.

3.NORMING: the third stage of group formation is the norming stage. All the tensions and  conflicts are finished. Now the group members start defining their roles , work as “ one ” , evaluate outcomes and respect their leader . The group members now start socializing , as now they know each other well . They also take each other’s help in working towards the achievement of their common desired goals. By now, they have developed a strong sense of togetherness and commitment to the team and the team members as well. The team now starts proceeding towards one direction.

4.PERFORMING : the team reaches the performing stage after surviving the first three phases .
Some groups never reach the final stage of performing , which is the stage of satisfaction. Hard work and dedication leads the teams to this performing stage. The performance of the teams in this phase increases significantly and the leader can now “ relax” , as the group members have realized their responsibilities and they work single mindedly towards the achievement of their goals. The team works smoothly without any grudges and a “ can do ” mentality pervades inside all of them.


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